+91 9486931153 | +91 9486571153 | 0435 - 2442224 karthividhyalayacbse@gmail.com

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure the mental health of our children. Mental health is one of the most important parts of our children’s development and wellbeing. At Karthi Vidhyalaya CBSE, we strive to provide our students with the best possible learning environment and support to help them thrive. Here are some tips for parents to improve the mental health of their children:

1. Talk to your child: Communication is an important part of any relationship, especially between parents and children. Talk to your child regularly and openly about their feelings and experiences. Ask them questions and listen to their answers. If your child seems to be struggling, encourage them to open up and talk to you.

2. Spend quality time together: Spend time together as a family and make sure that each child gets enough individual attention. Make meaningful connections with your children. Play games together, take walks or go on trips. This will help your child feel safe, secure, and loved.

3. Set a good example: Model positive behaviour and show your children that you care about your own mental health. Encourage your children to express themselves and talk about how they feel. Show them that it is okay to ask for help and to seek professional help if needed.

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4. Encourage healthy relationships with peers: Encourage your children to form healthy relationships with their peers. This can help them develop self-esteem, resilience, and an increased sense of belonging.

5. Encourage physical activity: Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Encourage your children to take part in physical activities that they enjoy and that will benefit their mental wellbeing.

At Karthi Vidhyalaya CBSE, we understand the importance of mental health and wellbeing. We have trained counsellors available to help our students and their families with any mental health issues they may face. We also provide mental health support and counselling in our after-school activities and programs. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s mental health, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Karthi Vidhyalaya Public (CBSE) School


Karthi Vidhyalaya Public CBSE School,
Kumbakonam Bypass Road,
Koranattukaruppur, Kumbakonam,
Mobile: +91 9486931153, +91 9486571153
Email: contact@karthividhyalayacbse.com

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