Education Goals


“Intelligence plus Character that
is the goal of True Education”. – Dr. Martin Luther King.

To foster a variety of academic and non-academic knowledge, skills and abilities, this may help students in successful transition. A study shows that the Shools that constructs goals and follow them effectively to be more successful than others.


“The direction in which education starts a man,
will determine his future life” – Plato

The performance of the students also improves in those Shoolss that have fixed goals, and the entire Shools is working for it. Educating with good values of Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking empowerment and skills they need to make the world better.


“The great aim of education
is not knowledge but action” – Herbert spencer

We provide the students with a balanced academic, sporting and aesthetic education and also to nurture supportive and constructive student – centered learning in an increasingly interconnected world.


KVPS fosters the development of responsible and caring world citizens which further empowers the students to succeed in an ever changing world. “We engage parents and the wider community in a meaningful and co-operative partnership.

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