Education Core Values
E – Energy
D – Discipline
U – Unity
C – Confidence
A – Aim
T – Talent
I – Interest
O –Opportunity
N – Nationality
Empathy & Humility
Integrity & Ethics
Equity & Integrity
Team work & Excellence
K nowledgeable with well versed & proficient
A mbition to achieve the goals
R espective in heart and deeds
T houghtful to be focused on being well mannered
H onesty in thought and action
I nterestive to be an adventurous innovator
A ccountability for one’s own action & in actions
N obility to inspire
S incerity as the key to success
And overall LEADERSHIP is to lead, inspire and follow what I right.
We motivate the student to meet the challenges with Confidence and Enthusiasm and also encourage them to become passionate, life-long learners within a diverse and supportive community.